Witness Nature's Gentle Giants on a Blue Whale Watching Tour in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, which represents the tear-drop-shaped island of the Indian Ocean, holds the reputation of being an oasis of rich biodiversity and spectacular natural scenery. Though there are many priceless places to visit, one stand-out experience that I consider truly remarkable is when I observed the graceful blue whales in their natural environment. Welcome to Sri Lanka Eco Tour, where you will be able to join a unique blue whale watching tour in Sri Lanka that will take your breath away and give you a chance to enjoy the beauty and majesty of huge blue whales. An Eco-Friendly Encounter Sustainable tourism is the ideology behind the Sri Lanka Eco Tour . We believe in and practice responsible tourism. The tours organized by us follow a special design incorporating measures to prevent any disruption to the whales and their sensitive environment. We abide by stringent regulations and associate with marine b...